Prediabetes on World Diabetes Day 2021

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It’s another World Diabetes Day, and we can’t stress enough how important it is to have access to diabetes care and prevention. They say that knowledge is power, and so understanding diabetes gives you an advantage in taking action towards prevention. Because there are no obvious symptoms of prediabetes, you may have it and be […]

Guava – The Health and Nutritional Benefits

Guava fruit

As we know, Guava is a tropical fruit rich in nutrient and characterised by its unique flavour and taste. In its ripened state it has a sweet musky aroma, creamy texture and a sweet-tart taste. The fruit is consumed fresh or processed into various products like jam, jelly, pasta and juices. Guavas are rich in […]

Fat distribution in your body, and care measures to take.

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An early observation of the fat distribution in human bodies French physician Jean Vague earlier (over 50 years ago) observed that people with larger waists had a higher risk of early-onset heart diseases and untimely death than people who had slimmer waist circumference or had more of their weight around their hips and thighs. (1) […]

Diabetes Facts and Myths to Learn About

Diabetes Facts and Myths

You can be a diabetes expert with our diabetes facts and myths. Don’t forget to share them with your friends and family so they know about diabetes too! See more here. GENERAL DIABETES FACTS Diabetes affects around 400 million adults worldwide – that’s a lot of people that share this condition! There are two main […]

Alpha-Lipoic Acid – Natural Diabetic Buster

Alpha-lipoic acid is an antioxidant made by the body. It is found in every cell, where it helps turn glucose into energy. Antioxidants attack “free radicals,” waste products created when the body turns food into energy. Free radicals cause harmful chemical reactions that can damage cells. This makes it harder for the body to fight […]

Added Sugar: The Culprit in Modern Diet


I’m sure we all must have heard the metabolic damages caused by an increased consumption of sugar especially as found in most of our staple snacks and in recreational eating. We have another article here on sugar. Recreational Eating is Mainly Sugar Eating Recreational eating is when people eat for reasons other than hunger. It may […]

French Fries: Why and Why Not to Indulge

French fries may be a popular choice for food. But, they are definitely one of the unhealthiest foods consumed in this day and age. Today you need to be careful about what you consume. Eat more healthy meals which contain rice, pasta, beans, wholegrain bread, salads and fruits. Why You Shouldn’t Eat Most French Fries […]

Go Nuts for The Health Benefits?


If one eats just 30g of nuts a day, which is around a handful, you can meet your daily nutrient needs and maintain your health. In fact, science shows eating a handful of these superfoods five or more times a week can lower your risk of heart disease by 30-50%, reduce your risk of type […]

Please, please, please! Bring Back Our Foods!!

Bring Back our Foods

Yes, please bring back our foods! The caption sounds more like a rescue mission as seen in the case of Chibok girls. Well, yes the same applies to the foods I have missed. As a child in the eastern region of Nigeria. I got so attached to some foods which at a point in my […]

Diabetes and Diet: 4 Most Misunderstood Facts

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Most people think that they have a handle on diabetes as a condition. But, in truth, most of us are ignorant of the condition. The problem is that so many myths have grown up around the disease. The reasons for this are complicated. But it has a lot to do with misunderstanding exactly how the […]