Office Snacking Makeover Ideas

Before I first visited the United States, I had the opportunity of staying over at my friends place for as long as I wanted. So when I got to the United States, instead of staying over at my god mum’s places, I ran to my friend’s to mix up with people of my age bracket. During that period, I had started my diet plan and I would say it was more comfortable keeping up with it there, but it was a struggle because I had a lot of side temptations (cheat meals for the body and soul. LOL).

Fortunately, my friend was also on a diet spree, in fact she looked so trimmed as compared to 7 years ago when I last saw her. She saw the surprise written all over my face and she reacted saying

“It was not a day job, so stop imagining”

It was obvious she could read my expressions because they were clear enough. As a Nigerian and a Yoruba girl that she was, I was expecting her to take a plate of rice to work the next day, or amala (cassava flour) with efo (vegetable soup) or gbegiri (beans soup), or yam porridge, or beans and yam as I usually see most workers eat during lunch at their work place in Nigeria. But on the contrary I saw her package a list of things (which I would list down below) and she called them office snacking. I was puzzled and asked if she was not hungry at all? Her response was this, “Working eight or more hours a day can make it difficult to eat healthfully unless you plan ahead. Research shows that eating every four hours helps to keep your metabolism charged and your energy level high”. So office snacking was the best option to follow.

In the past, providing food perks beyond the office coffee and occasional doughnut day was something that most companies simply didn’t think about. But with the new move toward a healthier lifestyle – and a workplace that’s conducive to that style of living – more and more employers are choosing to provide healthier snack options to their staff.


Office snacking is the ideal plan for you to keep you energized and alert on your job. History also shows that those who indulge in office snacking are more productive and also are less likely to become ill due to flu or cold.

Office snacking help those on diet who do not want to starve and at the same time, do not want to hit the vending machine to eat candy, chips or take coke. Office snacking is also a better alternative to eat right and in little proportions as the case may be.

Here are some awesome office snacks that can suffice in place of heavy meals. They are:

  • Whole wheat crackers and peanut butter (but be moderate about it read here)
  • Fresh Fruits in the likes of grapes, apples, banana, oranges, blueberries etc. (read here banana)
  • Dry fruits (apricots, raisins, apples, or bananas. These snacks are sweet, chewy, high in fiber, and high in potassium)


  • Nuts (almond nuts, hazel nuts, peanuts, cashew nuts etc.) – read here cashew benefits
  • Instant oatmeal
  • Snacks bars ( e.g. green and black dark 85% chocolate bars, cranberry almond bars) – read here
  • Veggies with ranches (Carrot and clergy sticks, broccoli)


  • Roasted unsalted pistachios
  • Low fat Greek yogurt or smoothies


  • Low fat popcorn

As for choosing the ultimate snack, treats that are organic, non GMO (genetically modified organisms), contain less than 180 calories, and are high in fiber and protein will help you stay full (read here). If I could remember vividly back in undergrad school, whenever we act dull and not attentive in class, my lecturer offers us dark chocolate in the bid to keep our minds alert for the rest of the day. Replace your heavy meal routine for office snacking and see the result in your diet life also.

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By Blessing Nwachukwu | [email protected]
Diet234 Team

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