Men’s Nutrition (International Men’s Day)

Healthy Nutrition for Boys to Men

Healthy nutrition is very important to men as well as women. Although, being a man (with all the testosterone production) puts a high demand for nutrition. Men have naturally denser bones, so less dependent on dietary or supplemental calcium in order to prevent osteoporosis (bone perforations and breakdown) that typically occurs later in life. On […]

10 Natural Energy-Boosting Foods To Eat Today

10 Natural Energy-Boosting Foods

These natural energy-boosting foods can be found in most local markets around you. I’d encourage you to take advantage of the health benefits they provide today. ‪Here are some energy-boosting foods below; 1. Fruits Apple  A medium-sized apple (100 grams) contains about 14 grams of carbs, 10 grams of sugar, and up to 2.1 grams […]

Lifestyle Diet: 7 Foods You Need to Stay Healthy

Diet234 Lifestyle Diet cover photo

In order to reach and maintain a healthy lifestyle, you must consume good foods. Your diet should consist of a varied mix of foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals, of which can be found in various ‘superfoods’. Although there is no scientific definition that officially outlines the properties of a ‘superfood’, they are […]

Bridesmaid frenzy – How To Lose Weight The Smart Way

Lose weight with your fiance

To lose weight is a journey. It is about changing the things in your life that cause you to gain and retain extra pounds. But there are times when you need to drop some weight fast. The following tips will allow you to lose weight fast. They will show you how to eat better and […]

Workplace Nutrition – Healthy Eating and Happy Living Tips

Diet234-workplace nutrition

Hello, Diet234 Fam, Have you noticed many people spend long hours in their workplace; an office, at school, or any other engagements and use their jobs as an excuse as to why they can’t reach their fitness and physique goals? However, having a tight-scheduled workplace, personal or family life shouldn’t be a limiting factor in […]

Cut Out That Mid-Morning Snack With These Simple Tips

Mid-morning snack at the Diet234 office

When you’re trying to eat healthily, chances are that you focus mostly on your meals. You sit down every evening and look with satisfaction at your plate full of lean proteins and leafy greens. And think fondly of the quinoa salad you made yourself for lunch that day. And then you look on the scales […]

Did You Know These 5 Core Health Tips for Men?

You Are What You Eat. So Eat Well It’s no secret that obesity is widespread: Nearly nine out of every ten men are either overweight or obese. Therefore, it is important to note the following top health tips. “Fitness is achieved 80% in the kitchen and 20% in the gym”. There are also nutrition supplements […]

Food Types For Healthy Teeth And Gums


Having healthy teeth and gums is important to leave a disease-free life. In fact, our quality of life depends a lot on the kind of dental health we possess. That’s why it’s important to never ignore oral care else it may lead to a lot of other problems in the body. It’s also true that […]

Diabetes and Diet: 4 Most Misunderstood Facts

type 2 diabetes cover

Most people think that they have a handle on diabetes as a condition. But, in truth, most of us are ignorant of the condition. The problem is that so many myths have grown up around the disease. The reasons for this are complicated. But it has a lot to do with misunderstanding exactly how the […]

How To Reinvigorate Your Weight Loss Regime

Even though we all start with the best intentions, it’s easy to lose enthusiasm and focus when dieting. Weight loss is often a long process that requires patience, motivation, and willpower. If you aren’t dedicated to reaching your target or aren’t seeing quick results, giving up can often seem like an easier option. But instead […]