Childhood Obesity: Five Easy Tips for Prevention

Childhood Obesity at Bay

Introduction to Childhood Obesity In an era when a lot is said about healthy eating and taking care of the body, do we really practice what we preach? For many years, concern over obesity has dominated society. The concern is focused on children now. A few years back it was centered on the adults. If […]

Interview at TVC Africa on Health Matters

Hi there! It’s me again, Christiana – Customer Service Personnel and the PA to my amiable boss; Collins Akanno. As it is required of my job, I was fit to attend his very first TV interview at TVC Africa studios here in Lagos, Nigeria. The day started off good as I stepped out looking completely […]

5 Dos and Don’ts for Losing Weight

Everyone wants to indulge in losing weight programmes in order to look fit. Overweight and obesity is one of the biggest health problem in today’s World, people are becoming addicted to junks and for food lovers it’s very difficult to control over the diet. If you are ambitious to lose weight there are many tactics […]

The Effect of Adequate Nutrition and Exercise

Some say nutrition and exercise are the best of both worlds bringing you to a desired fitness haven. Now, I totally concur. I usually paid little interest to exercise, I always thought: what’s the need? I’m fit. Well, I look fit. Until I read about what exercise does to the body. In fact, to gain […]