Alpha-Lipoic Acid – Natural Diabetic Buster

Alpha-lipoic acid is an antioxidant made by the body. It is found in every cell, where it helps turn glucose into energy. Antioxidants attack “free radicals,” waste products created when the body turns food into energy. Free radicals cause harmful chemical reactions that can damage cells. This makes it harder for the body to fight […]

Why It Takes More Than Just Action To Lead A Healthy Lifestyle

Different foods for healthy lifestyle

Deciding that you want to lead a healthy lifestyle can be an incredible choice to make. But, you don’t always know just how you should go about that. Sometimes, you feel as if you start moving more and you starting eating less – or eating better, that you’re doing good. In some ways you are. […]

Foods That Improve Mental Focus and Emotional Well-Being

Foods for Mental Focus and Emotional Stability

Whether you realise it or not, food plays a major role in regulating our moods and energy levels. Not only that, it can also have a significant effect on our overall levels of mental focus. You’d never put apple juice in your gas tank in order to make your car run, so why would you […]

Dieting is not Just Difficult it is Impossible!

Dieting is not just difficult it is impossible!

Dieting has been around ever since William Banting, a Victorian man who decided that he was going to change the way he ate to try to lose weight. Banting had grown up in England, and all his life he had been fat. Then, one day, he decided to try out a new kind of diet. […]

Brain Health: Harmful Foods


The brain is one of the organs in the body that replenishes over the course of one’s lifetime. Taking care of it is one of the initiatives that one should consider by watching their lifestyle and their general health fitness. We should learn that nutrition is a better care for mental health than medication A […]

How Nootropics Can Be Harmful to Your Brain


Memory lapses, poor concentration, inability to focus and perform certain tasks adequately are inevitable. Let’s face it; we all experience these things from time to time. When you have a lot to study or when working on a big project you need all help you can get to finish what you’re doing successfully. In these […]

Nutrition Is More Beneficial for Mental Health than Medication

Preserving and improving optimal mental health is crucial for our wellbeing. Nowadays, most people turn to medication when they want or have to improve any aspect of their overall health, and mental health is no exception. But, could there be another way to improve mental health? Can nutrition make a greater impact? Science says yes. […]

Top Foods for Better Mental Health

Mental health influences us all in the way we behave; we think, and we feel. It also controls the ability to make the most out of any given opportunities. It makes an impact on our surroundings like on our family, friends, and workplace. A good mental health is the ability of a person to learn, […]