Fighting Medication: When ‘Weight Gain’ Is A Side Effect

weight gain through medications

If you look down the side effects section of almost all medication leaflets, you’ll quickly see the dreaded entry: weight gain. It appears on medications that cover a huge range of conditions, including some of the most commonly diagnosed in our society. Medications for depression and anxiety disorders, for example, carry a significant risk of […]

Drug Addiction: Everything You Need To Know

drug addiction

Drug addiction is something you may never have thought about before. But what would happen if somebody you know became addicted to drugs or you started to become dependent on drugs yourself? Addiction is a taboo subject for many of us. But the reality is that drug addiction is a real problem in our society. […]

Nutrition Security: The Essence

“A hungry man can’t see right or wrong. He just sees food”. Pearl S. Buck (1892-1973) Now, it gets more interesting to know that though food security being a threat to adequate nutrition, there is a much more destructive underlying factor to the risk of malnutrition across all ages, this factor being “Nutrition Security”.We will […]