Eating Beans Gives Me Gas. What Can I Do To Fix This?

Gas from eating beans smells a lot

Eating beans is a good idea. Beans are a superfood rich in soluble dietary fibre that enable the removal of cholesterol and unhealthy fats. This prevents them from being absorbed by the body. Beans have been attributed as diabetic food (food for people living with diabetes) this is because of the complex carbohydrates present in […]

Rice and Beans: A Nutritious Staple Food

Rice and beans is a staple food in many cultures around the world, Nigeria is topping the list. This food duo is known by the Yoruba tribe of Nigeria as iresi ati ewa. This staple food provides several important nutrients, and is widely available. The Igbo specialty known as “ricee na beanz” is often accompanied […]

Tips to Enjoy Beans on The Menu

Q: Hello! What’s on the menu please? A: It’s BEANS Sir! Beans porridge is one of my favorite meals and I’m well experienced in thinking up recipes for enjoying it more….You know?…tried it with cassava flakes (drinking garri), succulent baked breads (any good brand), pap (ogi), custard, I enjoy beans most with quaker oats and […]

More Beans in Your Daily and Special Diets

So, we want us all to learn new ways to eat this popular food in Nigeria and the world. How do you start eating more beans and reaping the many health benefits? Adding more beans to your daily diet can be as easy as adding them to the foods you already enjoy. They have a […]