Guava – The Health and Nutritional Benefits

Guava fruit

As we know, Guava is a tropical fruit rich in nutrient and characterised by its unique flavour and taste. In its ripened state it has a sweet musky aroma, creamy texture and a sweet-tart taste. The fruit is consumed fresh or processed into various products like jam, jelly, pasta and juices. Guavas are rich in […]

Healthy Dietary Tips for Hypertension

What is Hypertension? Hypertension, also referred to as high blood pressure, is a condition in which the arteries have persistently elevated blood pressure. Every time the human heart beats, it pumps blood to the whole body through the arteries. Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing up against the blood vessel walls. The higher […]

High Blood Pressure and the DASH Diet

Hypertension: Who has it? Approximately 57 million Nigerians are hypertensive, say experts. It’s a major risk factor for heart disease, stroke and kidney disease. Hypertension has no symptoms and is often called the “silent killer” as it can damage your heart, blood vessels, kidneys and other parts of your body without you realizing it. After […]